Greg Byrne answers some new arena questions

I like the sound of that 4 balcony gym he described. I'd like to see a concept of a modern version of that.

They've still got to approve and line up the architects so there is plenty of time for this to morph into something else once costs come into play and bigger donors offer their thoughts on what they would like to see. I hope they step back and rethink a few things and maybe a good architect can explain how odd the concept may look once its built.

He's definitely dug into that 10600 number. He talks about all the research into the actual scanned tickets average but doesn't admit how terrible the program has been the last 6 or 7 seasons. So of course attendance waned. I'm a little shocked its over 10k for average actual tickets taken/scanned. If Oats works out and interest builds even more then we could easily fill up 13k and IMO 14k seats. At least leave a possibility to expand a smidge without having to tear the building up to do it.

I wish he would go to his Oregon Duck roots a minute to ask them about their arena. 12.5k or so and no strange features like windows in one end or an odd reconfiguration process for other events.

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