National Content: Alabama DT target Phidarian Mathis rankings stock on the rise


Jul 11, 2012
Most prospects in the Southeast have completed their 2016 campaigns, and the postseason update to the classes of 2017 and 2018 rankings are near. Here is an early look at several regional prospects whose stock are moving either up or down.

Phidarian Mathis

Recruitment: Alabama and LSU are among the schools battling to land Mathis.

Analysis: Mathis kept a low profile during the offseason and that allowed him to slip through the cracks compared to some other players at the defensive tackle position. But this year he’s shown that he belongs to be ranked at the position and make a move up the overall charts. His coach thinks enough of his ability to move at 6-foot-4, 280 pounds that he even sees time on offense. Athletic big men are key in today’s world of college football and that’s why schools will be battling down to the wire to land Mathis.

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