Nearly 1000 students were turned away last night

Agreed! This should NEVER happen.
It wouldn’t bother me nearly as much about season ticket holders if we didn’t cater to them with the best seats while our students are shoved into the corner rafters. It’s just stupid.

we all know Coleman isn’t built right for an elite CBB atmosphere but we could still get the students surround one side and one end of the court. Even without removing the weird 3 rows of courtside chairs. Giving the students the first 8-10 rows would make a big difference

I’m not a student and am a season ticket holder. We have too many BHam ticket holders that have prime seating that make 2 trips a year and sit on their tickets the rest of the time unless it’s a big game they can make a hundred bucks on
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I'm also a season ticket holder and have tried unsuccessfully to upgrade my tickets several times.
I have learned that the football Tide Pride guys will buy basketball season tickets just to keep their points level up. Until they separate the basketball points from the football points, this problem will continue.
I'm also a season ticket holder and have tried unsuccessfully to upgrade my tickets several times.
I have learned that the football Tide Pride guys will buy basketball season tickets just to keep their points level up. Until they separate the basketball points from the football points, this problem will continue.
Yep. I just don’t understand why we are scared to ruffle feathers of people just getting their tickets for points. Stick them in the damn rafters
I'm also a season ticket holder and have tried unsuccessfully to upgrade my tickets several times.
I have learned that the football Tide Pride guys will buy basketball season tickets just to keep their points level up. Until they separate the basketball points from the football points, this problem will continue.
It's actually worse for them points wise to continue basketball season tickets than it is to simply directly donate the seats donation cost + season ticket cost directly to the CTF. Plus I think more than a few have the impression they will lose accumulated points if they drop their season tickets. And more than a few haven't bothered to do the math. $1000 in TP basketball donation and two season tickets gets them like 24 or 26 points or something (maybe less, I forget as I dropped mine a year before Oats was hired). $1600 direct donation in Dec gets them almost 50 points. In this sense it's more than a bit of ignorance on their part.

These aren't all people just sitting on seats for football points. Many of them like to take in three or four games a year and give the rest away. But it's a royal pita to give digital tickets to anyone that doesn't already have a ticket office account and are barely technically savvy enough to power on a cell phone and make a call.
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It's actually worse for them points wise to continue basketball season tickets than it is to simply directly donate the seats donation cost + season ticket cost directly to the CTF. Plus I think more than a few have the impression they will lose accumulated points if they drop their season tickets. And more than a few haven't bothered to do the math. $1000 in TP basketball donation and two season tickets gets them like 24 or 26 points or something (maybe less, I forget as I dropped mine a year before Oats was hired). $1600 direct donation in Dec gets them almost 50 points. In this sense it's more than a bit of ignorance on their part.

These aren't all people just sitting on seats for football points. Many of them like to take in three or four games a year and give the rest away. But it's a royal pita to give digital tickets to anyone that doesn't already have a ticket office account and are barely technically savvy enough to power on a cell phone and make a call.
Like I said, they can have the tickets, they just don’t need to have prime seats instead of the students
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Students attending games is a part of the campus life experience and they should not be denied entry when there are empty seats. I agree with Clyde7, move the no-show ticket holders to the cheap seats up in the rafters.
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It's actually worse for them points wise to continue basketball season tickets than it is to simply directly donate the seats donation cost + season ticket cost directly to the CTF. Plus I think more than a few have the impression they will lose accumulated points if they drop their season tickets. And more than a few haven't bothered to do the math. $1000 in TP basketball donation and two season tickets gets them like 24 or 26 points or something (maybe less, I forget as I dropped mine a year before Oats was hired). $1600 direct donation in Dec gets them almost 50 points. In this sense it's more than a bit of ignorance on their part.

These aren't all people just sitting on seats for football points. Many of them like to take in three or four games a year and give the rest away. But it's a royal pita to give digital tickets to anyone that doesn't already have a ticket office account and are barely technically savvy enough to power on a cell phone and make a call.
I think our AD should get involved and put a plan together that puts people in these seats that want them. Like the donation to the Foundation
scenario you just explained.
Thanks for the post TideFever
Saw a lot of prime empty seats against the Barn that I bet when we play the Barn they will be hanging from the rafters and absolutely no empty seats.
National title loss hangover for some/ and some of those people likely coming back from Indy.
But those seats should have been given to the students.
Greg Byrne seems like a brilliant AD, but I don't get why we've been lapped by schools like Aub and Ole Miss in terms of a basketball specific stadium. Yes I know Coleman has its moments, but those facilities blow ours out of the water, and it is noticeable. Ever since I saw FL become an electric atmosphere with the rowdy reptiles, I've been puzzled why we can't do the same thing. Like someone posted above, just give the first 8-10 rows (at least on one side and the ends of the court) to the students. Big donors that only come to 1/3 of the games will be fine.
Timing should be right in the near future. I imagine the athletics program struggled in Year 1 of the pandemic, but otherwise surely we've never been more flush with cash. Having the money, combined with a student section that has been more energetic and organized than I can ever remember - it is time for a new modern arena.
I would encourage you to call Greg Byrne's office - 205-348-3600. I have called before and left a friendly message just saying I sure hope that we get a new basketball arena immediately, and that it prioritizes our students. It doesn't matter if you're an alum or not. Calls make a difference and if you're respectful and an energetic supporter that message is heard I think.