#57 should have his picture beside the term "Second Chances". After almost ruining a promising football career a little over 2 years ago DJ has responded by becoming one of the true leaders of the 2015 football team.
Away from football he graduated in December and started work on his Masters Degree in January (wants to be an AD one day).
He has over come all of this while not having enough money to own a car.
So when you see #57 disrupting plays this fall in BDS take a min to remember what all he has overcome to get to this point in his life including making good on his own bad decision.
Away from football he graduated in December and started work on his Masters Degree in January (wants to be an AD one day).
He has over come all of this while not having enough money to own a car.
So when you see #57 disrupting plays this fall in BDS take a min to remember what all he has overcome to get to this point in his life including making good on his own bad decision.