I went to practice today

It was a practice that Tide Pride folks were allowed to attend. Here are my thoughts with my untrained eye.

-Quinerly played and looked great. He had a big brace on. Still, he moved well and made some nice shots and passes. Here is the best part, though. He was vocal. Lifting kids up if they missed a shot, or if they made a mistake.
-Mark Sears was filling it up. He made lots of 3s and made me feel better about the point guard role. He is short, but pretty quick
-Burnett looked like he did last summer. Very long and made a lot of shots.
-Welch was nice looking player. Didn’t do anything crazy, but seemed to know his role.
-Miller is as advertised. Just smooth and you can tell he is the best player on the court.
-Chuck and Miles were injured and not playing. Miles twisted an ankle and was riding a bike. Chuck looked like he could have played
-Gurley had some nice shots, but still seems slow to me.
-Nick Pringle was the biggest surprise to me. He can jump out of the gym. He was dunking and blocking shots. Now, he didn’t have Chuck to deal with so that made it easier for him.
-Clowney was falling down and getting hit a lot. I didn‘t see anything great from him
-Bradley played well for not practicing a lot.
-Griffin played, but didn’t do anything special.

It was just one practice, but I feel good about this team. I like the leadership from Q. I think that is big. I really feel like that part of the equation is fixed. The other thing is length of this team is going to give opponents trouble. I think we are still too careless with passes, but that just may be the way we are with Oats’ offense. If we can stop other teams better than last year, I think we will win a lot of games. I feel like our SEC schedule is the most favorable we have had in years. Just my opinions. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Name the Score of the game

Okay, we know Alabama plays BYE this week, so we don't have a Bama Game to pick. The solution is as follows: You name the game, pick the score of the game, the total offense for the winning team and the leading receiver for the winning team with his yardage.

1. ______________________ ___ vs. ____________________________ ____

2. Total Offense for winning team.________________

3. Leading receiver for the winning team with yardage ____________
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Not a good night…

1). This is a performance Bryce will want to forget quickly. I was thinking it was the receivers inability to run routes and create space (and I still lay the blame there) but Bryce has pressed for the first time I can remember tonight. I think I will finally point a finger at BOB as well. Pathetic.
2). OL has pass blocked pretty well tonight. Run blocking not so well. BOB again. I will say that I’m not as high on the performance of Steen this year as others are. I’ll leave it at that.
3) Our WR talent is enormous. Talent doesn’t win games…performance does. Separation is dismal.

That’s not all, but I’ll shut up….

l'm Sure Our Coaches Will Be Scattered All Over the Country

Most of our coaches will be headed out tonight and won't be back until time for a quick get together with the team Sunday. l have heard where a couple of them are going to be and who they will be visiting, but l was wondering if any of y'all might have any more info or maybe some of the Mods might have a list.

l am off for lunch and have not read the board so l am sorry if this has already been covered.
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Football 🏈 Brian Branch shows off his pass-rushing abilities against Mississippi State

Five games without a sack was just too long for Brian Branch. The junior emphatically ended the streak against Mississippi State and will look to find more success pressuring opposing quarterbacks going forward.

Elane and Sark did not do so Hot

Not to mention poor ole Jimbo and Mario.

Kirby Smart is the best football coach to fall out of the Saban tree. He has build and is maintaining a monster over at Ga. He's not going anywhere either. He is sho-nuff gonna be hard to deal with on the field and the recruiting trail, especially after Saban leaves.

l like Sark
l do not like Elane. Niether does Pop. Pop told me that he does not think @ghannas is crazy about Elane either.

Off week. Lets get well and get some things straighten out. Then get ready for a tough trip to Baton Rouge.


Nick Saban on the SEC teleconference (open week)

— Nick Saban says the No. 1 thing Alabama wants to achieve during the open week is improvement at every position.

— Nick Saban says he doesn't think Justin Eboigbe (neck) will play again this season.

— Saban says he thinks he has three starters at the guard position — Javion Cohen, Emil Ekiyor Jr. and Tyler Booker

— Saban said the decision to play Jermaine Burton did not cause an issue on the team.


I love bama football and Nick saban more than most things but the fact jermaine burton played tonight and wasn’t suspended is a clown look for bama football! He didn’t punch her but did make contact in a way that isn’t acceptable for any man to do to a woman! He should’ve been suspended and not of played tonight! And to make things worse is that he was scared absolutely pathetic excuse!

Post Game Traditions, Aggie Style

Everyone knows that at Alabama we smoke Cigars in the locker room after a win over Tennessee.

At Texas A&M after a loss to South Carolina the players relax by lighting joints. I think they have a real problem at Texas A&M and there is a strong chance that JIMBO knows that he has lost the team. Rumor is that in the last two days Jimbo has suspended players from his highly paid Freshman Class. When you buy talent and players are paid more than coaches, at the college level, you are going to have real problems controlling the team. Yes, Texas A&M and Texas, purchase your teams and see what happens. I suspect that you are going to see a lot of players leaving Texas A&M after the season. All of the suspended players are from the group of players purchased by Texas A&M Boosters.

Texas A&M players suspended

Not the first group

Tony's takes: Breaking down what Nick Saban said heading into Alabama's bye week

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BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Nick Saban spoke briefly with reporters during an appearance at the Monday Morning Quarterback Club in Birmingham on Monday. Here’s a transcript of what he said as well as my takes on what it means.

On the biggest challenges in dealing with players’ anxiety in today’s age

"Really what we try to do is get guys to focus on what's in front of them. You know, not get affected by external factors, don't worry about what other people say or think or what's on ESPN or what the line of the game is because none of that stuff really matters. It just matters how you play. How you play — playing on a winning team — creates value for you, how you play personally creates value for you.

"So making it simple and just focusing on what's in front of you, which is the next play — no matter how long it lasts. Everybody talks about six seconds. Most of them don't last that long. And then being able to focus on the next play. Then if the last play didn't go very well, it can't affect the next play. And if it went well, that can't affect the next play, either. So that's how you get some kind of consistency in performance and even when you get resistance, you gotta have the poise to overcome it."

"So just focusing on what's in front of you, being where your feet are, trying to be positive. You know, everybody controls their choices, so what you let run through your mind — positive or negative — goes a long way to determine how you respond and how you react to things. And when you're worried about outcomes, sometimes that puts a lot of negative thoughts in your mind rather than focusing on what you have to do on that particular play, which is very positive."

Tony’s take: Last week, Saban said his team was a little tight heading into the game against Tennessee. The Crimson Tide jersey can weigh heavy on players, causing them to struggle to play up to the expectations placed on them when they step into the spotlight.

Part of Alabama’s process is blocking out that noise and focusing exclusively on the job in front of you one step at a time. That’s easier said than done, but once players can master it, results tend to follow.

On how his team handles the bye week

I think you do quality control from offense, defense, special teams as well as individual player evaluations. You know, find out what does this guy need to do? What do we need to do on offense? What do we need to do on defense? What do we need to improve on? And some of it is relative to the game you have coming up, but some of it is just relative to what you need to do better in terms of the fundamental things you need to do to play winning football, whether it’s individually or collectively as a unit.

So that changes from year to year. The players change from year to year. But the way we approach the bye week doesn’t change, administratively at least in terms of how many times we practice, how long we practice, what we do in practice gets determined a little bit by what we need to do.

Tony’s take: The bye week is a time for Alabama to look at itself in the mirror. There’s only so much you can change in a week’s time, but it’s a useful evaluation period and can serve as somewhat of a reset button moving forward in the year.

On what he wants to see from Tyler Harrell

"Well it's unfortunate that guy missed a lot of time because of an injury, but he's making progress. He does offer something with his speed and it's always something that can benefit you on offense. "We want him to continue to improve, and hopefully we create roles that will be effective for both him and for us."

Tony’s take: Tyler Harrell finally made his Alabama debut over the weekend, recording 12-yard reception in the fourth quarter of the Crimson Tide’s 30-6 victory over Mississippi State. The Louisville transfer offers sub-4.3 time but will need to settle into Alabama’s offense after dealing with a foot injury earlier this fall.

On how his team responded to him saying no one’s starting job is safe

“Nobody’s entitled to a position. Nobody’s entitled to going out and not performing well. That’s kind of life. Nobody’s ever going to have a job where somebody doesn’t define a standard and an expectation for how you how you have to do a job, and if you don’t do it they usually try to get somebody else. That’s just life. It’s always that way. It’s not just like that after one game or after a game that you lose or that you don’t play well in. I think we’re always evaluating that.”

Tony’s take: Following Alabama’s 17 penalties against Tennessee, Saban challenged his team, stating that players’ jobs could be in jeopardy if improvements weren’t made. Alabama responded pretty well against Mississippi State as it was flagged just three times for 20 yards. That being said, players can't get too comfortable. There’s still competition for certain spots, and Saban will always look to play the best player.

On watching his players on Sunday and seeing Tua return to the field

“I don’t ever see our players play on Sunday. I was happy to see Tua return to the field. Usually, today at lunch, I go through a — Linda [Leoni] always has a [list of] here’s how everybody did, so she tells me this guy made this many tackles and got two sacks, and this guy caught this many passes, and this guy scored this many touchdowns and Derrick Henry had this many yards.
“Sunday is an all-day work day for us, so I don’t get an opportunity to watch the players.”

Tony’s take: Nick Saban’s longtime assistant Linda Leoni rounds up a list of how Alabama’s players did in the NFL, but other than that the head coach’s focus is on his own team. Nick Saban is a busy man, and there are too many of his former players in the NFL to keep track of them all.

Football Recruiting Rivals100 Tex. CB Malik Muhammad details Alabama push, including Jalen Hale, Caleb Downs

The latest on the No. 35 player in the 2023 class here-
