College athletics is no longer for the student athletes and that has become a reality. Today a lot of athletes are mercenaries playing for the highest bidder, traveling from one school to the other, until it becomes time to declare for the draft. College athletics was originally designed as an extra curricula activity for legitimate students. Somewhere along the line matters went astray.
1. College football is a job, requiring the commitment of the student athlete for 20 to 40 hours per week.
2. With College Cost of attendance now exceeding $30,000-$60,0000 a year, most students must have additional income in order to attend college.
3. A lot of college athletes come from families, whose income would not permit them to attend college.
4. Most fans want competitive college football programs and most programs presently operate at an income deficit.
5. There are over 600 colleges and Universities that have seen a value in extra Curricula College athletics.
6. There is tremendous value in a legitimate NCAA Scholarship. If you do not believe me, just ask any parent that is paying the $35,000 to $40,000 a year to send their child to the University of Alabama this year.
7. The Present system deters player development. Being a D-1 athlete is no fun in Jan., Feb. June, July and August, and that is when
championships are won.
8. True academic progress should be the first requirement to participating in NCAA athletics. If a young man or woman does not want to be involved in college athletics, they have the option of the minor leagues.
9. We are kidding ourselves if we believe that some of these young people are student/athletes.
Note: At the present time I have two Nieces that are involved in college athletics, one niece which is an all conference forward in soccer (not SEC) and an academic All-American this year, so I know her hardships. My daughter was a two time captain of her team at a D-1 program, so I know her scholarship did not pay the full load. Fortunately I could pay the difference.
1. We must realize that in Baseball the minor league system appears to be workable and there is no reason that we should not allow players that are not in schools for an education to go directly into minor league sports programs. Don't kid yourself, with players transferring every year, or after one semester of college attendance, a lot of players are not at their school for an education, so why play the game. The major beneficiaries of the present system, NIL/Portal is the NFL and NBA. As presently set up, the NFL and NBA are allowed the benefit of College Football and Basketball, with none of the expenses
2. Players need to receive a stipend for competing in College football. In my day players received laundry money and tickets, which were sold at City National Bank every Monday. Not everyone received the same amount of money for the tickets. The stipend players receive should be the same for each player. No player should be allowed an NIL, until they have earned the right and the NIL should be consistent with the benefit the donor provides.
3. Transfers, with the ability to immediately play should be limited to real circumstance. Real Circumstances should be academic reasons, family reasons, coaching changes, mutual decision transfers.
4. There should be harsh penalties on schools buying players from other schools.
5. True academic progress should be the guideline for a player being allowed to compete, much less transfer.
6. There should be agent registration, regulations of agents, and restrictions that agents must comply. Agents should not be allowed to contact other Colleges and Universities for a player, until the player actually enters the portal. The portal window should only be open when schools are not in fall and winter-spring session.
7. The terms of a scholarship should be negotiable. If a school wants to give a one, two, three of four year scholarship and the player is willing to accept the scholarship, that should be allowed.
1. College football is a job, requiring the commitment of the student athlete for 20 to 40 hours per week.
2. With College Cost of attendance now exceeding $30,000-$60,0000 a year, most students must have additional income in order to attend college.
3. A lot of college athletes come from families, whose income would not permit them to attend college.
4. Most fans want competitive college football programs and most programs presently operate at an income deficit.
5. There are over 600 colleges and Universities that have seen a value in extra Curricula College athletics.
6. There is tremendous value in a legitimate NCAA Scholarship. If you do not believe me, just ask any parent that is paying the $35,000 to $40,000 a year to send their child to the University of Alabama this year.
7. The Present system deters player development. Being a D-1 athlete is no fun in Jan., Feb. June, July and August, and that is when
championships are won.
8. True academic progress should be the first requirement to participating in NCAA athletics. If a young man or woman does not want to be involved in college athletics, they have the option of the minor leagues.
9. We are kidding ourselves if we believe that some of these young people are student/athletes.
Note: At the present time I have two Nieces that are involved in college athletics, one niece which is an all conference forward in soccer (not SEC) and an academic All-American this year, so I know her hardships. My daughter was a two time captain of her team at a D-1 program, so I know her scholarship did not pay the full load. Fortunately I could pay the difference.
1. We must realize that in Baseball the minor league system appears to be workable and there is no reason that we should not allow players that are not in schools for an education to go directly into minor league sports programs. Don't kid yourself, with players transferring every year, or after one semester of college attendance, a lot of players are not at their school for an education, so why play the game. The major beneficiaries of the present system, NIL/Portal is the NFL and NBA. As presently set up, the NFL and NBA are allowed the benefit of College Football and Basketball, with none of the expenses
2. Players need to receive a stipend for competing in College football. In my day players received laundry money and tickets, which were sold at City National Bank every Monday. Not everyone received the same amount of money for the tickets. The stipend players receive should be the same for each player. No player should be allowed an NIL, until they have earned the right and the NIL should be consistent with the benefit the donor provides.
3. Transfers, with the ability to immediately play should be limited to real circumstance. Real Circumstances should be academic reasons, family reasons, coaching changes, mutual decision transfers.
4. There should be harsh penalties on schools buying players from other schools.
5. True academic progress should be the guideline for a player being allowed to compete, much less transfer.
6. There should be agent registration, regulations of agents, and restrictions that agents must comply. Agents should not be allowed to contact other Colleges and Universities for a player, until the player actually enters the portal. The portal window should only be open when schools are not in fall and winter-spring session.
7. The terms of a scholarship should be negotiable. If a school wants to give a one, two, three of four year scholarship and the player is willing to accept the scholarship, that should be allowed.