The future of CNS.

I believe tonight is a very important moment in the life of CNS. He will lie in bed tonight and think seriously about his future in coaching for the first time in his life. He will ask himself the question...."Do I, after this season, at the age of 71, have the passion and desire to to rebuild my rebuild my team........and to continue to meet the expectations of these spoiled fans. I have no doubt he will discuss this with his wife. The man is a winner....pure and simple. However, he is human. If he decides to stay and continue, he will come back with fire in his belly. If he decides to step away, he will do so knowing that he gave his very best.....which in my opinion might not ever be matched..........for he is "THE GOAT". ROLL TIDE.

Football Recruiting The latest I am hearing on Alabama, Rivals100 DL Kavion Henderson..

With Rivals100 defensive lineman Kavion Henderson just over 48 hours away from his decision, things are heating up in a hurry in Leeds, Alabama.
Alabama has been the expected choice for quite some time, given the in-state factor, the timing of the offer, and the amount of trips he has taken to Tuscaloosa in recent weeks/months.

From what Tide Illustrated has gathered, it is actually SEC West rival Arkansas that has taken the momentum in this recruitment, and many close to Henderson expect him to commit to the Hogs on Sunday.

Out of respect for Henderson and the nature of this post, I am going to refrain (at this time) from changing my FutureCast.

Regardless of what Henderson does over the weekend, look for the Crimson Tide to remain a factor in his recruitment in the coming months, and it would surprise no one if he were to end up in the 2024 class for Alabama when all is said and done.

For now, though, it appears the No. 1 player in the state for the 2024 class (currently) is headed elsewhere.

SEC Hot Seats

If money is no object, and money is no object in Bryan-College Station, is there any coach in the SEC on a hotter hot seat than Jimbo Fisher. Jimbo has a toss-up game against Florida this week, a winnable game against Auburn then a cupcake against UMass and then he finishes against LSU. If JImbo does not get a team that was suppose to have competed to win the SEC this year and has the highest payroll in the SEC, bowl eligible, meaning he must beat Florida and LSU, then I believe money is no object and the Texas Legislature will declare Jimbo to be legally dead.

If he beats Florida or LSU, provided something unforeseen does not happen at Auburn, he might be able to survive, with just firing his assistant coaches. If he loses all three and finishes last in the SEC West, all bets are off the table. A Music City Bowl appearance is not going to be acceptable to the aTm masses, but will give him another year.

Looking at the SEC: Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, Kentucky and possibly Missouri out of the East could be bowl eligible, with Alabama, LSU, Ole Miss, Miss State and possibly Arkansas and aTm
being bowl eligible. Sorry, but I don't see anyway that Auburn or Vandy get to be eligible, as I don't see either one being favored to win another game. If Auburn was to win out, Carnell would have a ten year contract on his desk after the Alabama game, heck three wins might do that. Vandy is not going to fire the head coach two years in. The Coach at Missouri could have a seat that is getting warm, but I don't believe Missouri fans even care. Arkansas is happy to be relevant again. In short, outside of Auburn, where the change has already happened, Fisher is the only head Coach that has anything to worry about and if I had that contract, I would tell them where do I sign to be fired. Of course $83 million does not buy what it use to buy.

Pete Golding is the best!!

At being a piece of a crap coach and holding onto a job while getting pay increases. Yes, I know we’ve finished very well during his tenure. While he’s had top talent each season, the D has not flourished under his leadership. The D is now only a mediocre group that is wasting away talent that could be producing championships.!

Statistics After Week #10

Bama's lackluster performance in last night's game did little to impact overall statistics.

While Defensively there was a slight improvement Bama's Offensive woes left this week's ranking unchanged from last week.

Total Offense--#17 in the nation and #5 in the SEC behind #1 Tennessee, #3 Georgia, #11 Ole Miss and #15 Arkansas.

Total Defense--#12 in the nation and #3 in the SEC behind #4 Georgia and #11 Kentucky.

Coach Bryant Redux ...

I think there are some who need to step back and take a deep breath! Some ridiculous statements are being made about Coach Saban! I certainly respect all our fans' right to voice their opinions, and I hope they respect mine to think some are over the top and ridiculous. An old friend told me way back that once he quit betting on our games the better his perspective became on our losses or failures to cover! ;)

In the late 60's after Coach Bryant had led us to three NCs (shudda been 4 counting that '66 team!) we fell on some hard times (by Bama standards!) for a few years. Most "old farts" will remember this time. People were saying Coach Bryant was "too old". He couldn't relate to "todays players." The game "has passed him by." He "needs to step down." On and on ... Then, he went on to lead us to three more NCs in the 70s!

Then outside of '92 under Coach Stallings, we went on a REAL DRY SPELL! We went from 1978 til 2009 with ONE NC!! That's why I try to remind younger fans that I know to enjoy this ride! At the same time "stay humble and kind!" There was a time when the Viles beat us 10+ years in a row and the barn beat us 6 in a row! College football seems to run in cycles!

Our dry spell lasted until that day Coach Moore stepped off that plane in Tuscaloosa with Coach Saban! This has been and in my opinion will continue to be an historic ride! I do agree we need a change in both coordinators and believe that is going to happen.

Like Coach Bryant, I believe Coach Saban has a few more NCs in tow! Still recruiting at a ridiculously high level and most players seem to love playing for him. A lot can still happen this year!



Never forget this!!! 18 national championships and no one can take this away from us...not even the The season is not over, and there are still more games to be played. JAWGA actually has to go on the road for their next 2 games after having 4 straight home games and anything can happen....Right now, JAWGA's 25 year old QB thinks he is king of the world, and I say not so fast. Let's just take each week as it comes and as always: ROLL DAMN TIDE!!!

Lets Finish Strong

WE all have put our two cents worth in and it is time to move beyond Tenn. and LSU.
We have a HUGE game against a Good OM team this week and lets put our energy into FINISHING STRONG AND GETTING PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE and Bama getting its edge again. The talent is there and more is coming and am sure Saban will make whatever changes in the off season to help us get that Bama edge again. RTR

The Double Dribble Podcast is BACK

Some of you may remember the podcast I had for a couple years called The Double Dribble Podcast. Due to my family growing and changing jobs, I haven’t recorded in a year. Well it’s coming BACK!

My friend Matthew Landry and I will be recording our first episode tomorrow morning. It will be posted on this site so be on the lookout and give it a listen!
